iPhone 3G headphones button problem – fixed!

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I was starting to get sick of my headphones. I would plug them in and I could hear music but the button didn’t work for play/stop or skipping tracks. That wasn’t the end of the world until I started having problems with phone calls. Turns out that if the clicker isn’t working the microphone also isn’t working. Anyways, the fix was an easy one. There was nothing wrong with the headphones or the phone.

I was reading on a forum and discovered that lots of people were having problems with pocket lint getting in the headphone receptacle. All I had to do was dig around a little with a paperclip and I found a hug piece of pocket lint.

After clearing it I’ve had no problems. Yay!

Targeted CSS – IE 6 or IE 7 down

There is a pretty well known hack for CSS that allow us to target Internet Explorer 6 and older. This is a life saver because IE has never handled the box model correctly. Padding is especially problematic in older versions.

Underscore hack to the rescue! Here’s how you might use it…

.myClass {
left:15px; /* all standards compliant browsers */
_left:35px; /* IE 6 and older */

Ok, great. But what if you need to target IE 7 and below? Star hack to the rescue! Here’s how to use it…

.myClass {
left:15px; /* all standards compliant browsers */
_left:35px; /* IE 6 and older */
*left:45px; /* IE 7 and older */

This has been such a life saver to me I thought I would post it in at least one more place on the web. Get with it Microsoft IE team! Quit trying to force everyone else to use your busted rendering model and get standards compliant!

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Hicken Design provides services to major employers in Arizona and Texas

Over the course of the last 10 years, the brains behind Hicken Design have provided services to many large and small employers including Banner Health – the second largest employer in Arizona and USAA – the largest employer in Texas. Services have included UX design, UI design, web design and development, multimedia design and development, online learning design and development, instructional design and more.

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