The Benefits of State Management

When trying to understand someone so you can help them change for the better, you must first know where they live most of the time in their mind.

For example: I woke up from a dream with part of a phrase that I know in my head. I kept trying to say it to myself and got stopped at the exact same place every time. I couldn’t complete the sentence that I know so well. The active portion of my brain didn’t have all the connections to the portion of my brain that housed the information which I was seeking. The only way to get that full sentence out was to come from a different origin in the brain. An origin that had strong neural connections to the information I seek.

Certain parts of the brain only have connections to pain, such as bad memories. You can’t get to peace when living in that portion of the brain. This is why state management is such a crucial tool to understand and use. You must first shift the energy in your brain to a different area of the brain so that you utilize different neural nets which have a strong connection to the information that you know is there.

How do you change your state? There are 3 key ways to rapidly change your state.
1. Change your physiology
2. Change your focus
3. Change your language

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